Top "Byte-order-mark" questions

A byte order mark (BOM) is a Unicode character used to signal the order of bytes in a text file or stream.

dos2unix: Binary symbol 0x04 found at line 1703

I download a file from the OECD ('CRS 2013 data.txt') by selecting …

utf-16 byte-order-mark dos2unix
Encoding.UTF8.GetString doesn't take into account the Preamble/BOM

In .NET, I'm trying to use Encoding.UTF8.GetString method, which takes a byte array and converts it to a …

.net unicode character-encoding byte-order-mark
python utf-8-sig BOM in the middle of the file when appending to the end

I've noticed recently that Python behaves in such non-obvious way when appending to the file using utf-8-sig encoding. See …

python utf-8 byte-order-mark
How to remove BOM from byte array

I have xml data in byte[] byteArray which may or mayn't contain BOM. Is there any standard way in C# …

c# .net byte-order-mark
How can I detect if a .NET StreamReader found a UTF8 BOM on the underlying stream?

I get a FileStream(filename,FileMode.Open,FileAccess.Read,FileShare.ReadWrite) and then a StreamReader(stream,true). Is there a …

c# utf-8 filestream streamreader byte-order-mark
 encoding issue

I'm developing a website using PHP and these strange chars "" appears in my page, right on the top of it. …

php html utf-8 iso-8859-1 byte-order-mark
C++ How to inspect file Byte Order Mark in order to get if it is UTF-8?

I wonder how to inspect file Byte Order Mark in order to get if it is UTF-8 in C++?

c++ utf-8 byte-order-mark
utf8 without BOM encoding in eclipse

After some headache I figured out that eclipse using set encoding UTF8 (with BOM) causes an error. It causes whitespace …

php eclipse byte-order-mark
Dealing with UTF-8 numbers in Python

Suppose I am reading a file containing 3 comma separated numbers. The file was saved with with an unknown encoding, so …

python utf-8 character-encoding byte-order-mark
write UTF-8 BOM with supercsv

I am using supercscv to write an utf-8 encoded csv. It produces a normal file but excel doesn't recognize it …

java csv utf-8 byte-order-mark supercsv