Top "Byte-order-mark" questions

A byte order mark (BOM) is a Unicode character used to signal the order of bytes in a text file or stream.

Using awk to remove the Byte-order mark

How would an awk script (presumably a one-liner) for removing a BOM look like? Specification: print every line after the …

unicode awk byte-order-mark
How to remove multiple UTF-8 BOM sequences

Using PHP5 (cgi) to output template files from the filesystem and having issues spitting out raw HTML. private function fetch($…

php utf-8 byte-order-mark
Byte order mark screws up file reading in Java

I'm trying to read CSV files using Java. Some of the files may have a byte order mark in the …

java utf-8 byte-order-mark
How to add a UTF-8 BOM in Java?

I have a Java stored procedure which fetches record from the table using Resultset object and creates a CS Vfile. …

java character-encoding oracle10g byte-order-mark
How do I remove the BOM character from my xml file

I am using xsl to control the output of my xml file, but the BOM character is being added.

xml xslt unicode byte-order-mark
Create Text File Without BOM

I tried this aproach without any success the code I'm using: // File name String filename = String.Format("{0:ddMMyyHHmm}", dtFileCreated); String …

c# text-files byte-order-mark
UTF-8 BOM signature in PHP files

I was writing some commented PHP classes and I stumbled upon a problem. My name (for the @author tag) ends …

php utf-8 character-encoding byte-order-mark
Adding UTF-8 BOM to string/Blob

I need to add a UTF-8 byte-order-mark to generated text data on client side. How do I do that? Using …

javascript utf-8 blob fileapi byte-order-mark
How to GetBytes() in C# with UTF8 encoding with BOM?

I'm having a problem with UTF8 encoding in my mvc 2 application in C#. I'm trying let user download … encoding utf-8 byte-order-mark
Encoding a string as UTF-8 with BOM in PHP

how can I force PHP to add the BOM when using utf8_encode ? Here's what I am trying to do: $…

php utf-8 byte-order-mark