Top "Buddypress" questions

BuddyPress is a WordPress plugin that helps you run any kind of social network on your site, with member profiles, activity streams, user groups, messaging, and more.

File uploads: Percentage completed progress bar

I'm trying to add a 'percentage completed so far' progress bar to avatar uploads in BuddyPress. The aim is to …

javascript php jquery wordpress buddypress
How to get username/display name in Buddypress?

In buddypress default tempalte, username who has posted a certain activity is displayed like this: bp_activity_action(); But that …

php wordpress buddypress
How to make .htaccess writeable for wordpress?

I have Wordpress running on a dedicated centos server with Buddypress installed . Buddypress requires pretty permalinks. Therefore I changed i …

wordpress apache .htaccess buddypress
Conflict between two jQuery's scripts

I'm spanish (sorry for my english), and it's the first time that i write here for ask something. After hours …

jquery fancybox conflict buddypress
Print out User Avatar from User ID in Buddypress

So I have the User Id of someone in Buddypress. What is the function to print out their Avatar? What …

Buddypress Templates - how to customize user page?

(in WordPress)I am wondering where to edit the BP templates - should I edit the core template files(in …

wordpress buddypress
How to redirect non logged in users to Login page on Wordpress?

I know this is a question asked million times but I can't find an answer that is either fitting the …

php wordpress buddypress
Simple strtolower not working

Im sure this is something obvious i'm missing but I have a string 'GB' that is stored as $str and …

php buddypress