Top "Broadcastreceiver" questions

BroadcastReceiver is an Android component that responds to system-wide broadcast announcements.

Ringer mode change listener Broadcast receiver?

AudioManager am = (AudioManager)getSystemService(Context.AUDIO_SERVICE); switch (am.getRingerMode()) { case AudioManager.RINGER_MODE_SILENT: Log.i("MyApp","Silent mode"); …

android broadcastreceiver android-audiomanager
Android: Update bluetooth rssi every second

I'm trying to display the bluetooth signal strength (rssi) evry second (Timer()) from detected device but i couldn't call onRecive() …

android bluetooth broadcastreceiver rssi
Android: Wake & unlock phone

I am trying to figure out how to wake and unlock the phone with a service. I have been referring …

android broadcastreceiver android-wake-lock
how can I notify a running activity from a broadcast receiver?

I have an activity, it needs to response to a broadcast event. Since an activity can not be a broadcast …

android ipc broadcastreceiver
How to know in BroadcastReceiver if App is running on foreground?

I am working in application that needs make a synchronization every night. I use Alarm Manager that calls a BroadcastReceiver …

android broadcastreceiver foreground
Call recording/processing service! - Android

Hello, Im working on a solution for Android that will record calls (both out and incomming) and will further process …

android service broadcastreceiver mediarecorder android-sdk-2.3
Android ACTION_DATE_CHANGED broadcast

I have a Nexus S, and when I change the date manually on the phone, ACTION_DATE_CHANGED is not …

android android-intent broadcastreceiver android-broadcast isn't working

I originally asked this question, about passing parameters through a market link into my app on install. Everyone seems to …

android google-play broadcastreceiver install-referrer
PendingIntent get requestCode

I use an AlarmManager to start a service. When i set up the AlarmManager i use the PendingIntent and use …

android notifications broadcastreceiver alarmmanager android-pendingintent
What is more efficient Broadcast Receiver or Handler?

I know that onReceive() of the Broadcast receiver and handleMessage() of Handler run on the same UI thread. Suppose I …

android multithreading broadcastreceiver handler