Top "Broadcastreceiver" questions

BroadcastReceiver is an Android component that responds to system-wide broadcast announcements.

Android BroadcastReceiver or simple callback method?

In my projects I am using BroadcastReceivers as a callback from a long running thread (eg. notify the activity that …

android multithreading callback broadcastreceiver
Dynamic Registration vs Static Registration of BroadcastReceiver

All of us known we register BroadcastReceiver in two types 1)Static Registration 2)Dynamic Registration But my doubt is when we …

android broadcastreceiver android-broadcast
Volume change listener?

Is there any way to listen for volume changes with an Android service and react to that? Btw: How does …

android service broadcastreceiver media volume
Unable to instantiate receiver java.lang.ClassNotFoundException

I got an error in my android application when it tries to instantiate a receiver that i use to start …

android broadcastreceiver bootcompleted
android: running a background task using AlarmManager

I am writing an app which needs to periodically check the server for new messages and notify the user. I …

android notifications broadcastreceiver alarmmanager
passing intent extra to android broadcast receiver

I have created a AlarmReceiver class which is used as broadcast receiver for alarm. The issue is that I need …

android broadcastreceiver android-intent alarmmanager android-pendingintent
Track a phone call duration

Is it possible to utilize the users phone through their cell provider, and track the length of a phone call? …

android android-intent broadcastreceiver phone-call
I need to implement Notification Reminder in my android app

My Requirment: I want my application to show a reminder notification on every Friday @ 8 am I have used AlarmManager, BroadcastReceivers …

android notifications broadcastreceiver alarmmanager reminders
Android - how to unregister a receiver created in the manifest?

I know about using registerReceiver and unregisterReceiver in Java code for dealing with receivers, but let's say I have the …

android broadcastreceiver
CONNECTIVITY_CHANGE deprecated in target of Android N

I am getting warning of deprecated declaration of Broadcast Receiver. <!-- NETWORK RECEIVER... --> <receiver android:name=".…

android broadcastreceiver deprecated intentfilter android-networking