BroadcastReceiver is an Android component that responds to system-wide broadcast announcements.
How to start an Activity on device even if screen is locked. I tried as below but it's not working. …
android android-activity broadcastreceiver screen-lockI have already checked all the related questions and have not found any solution for this problem. So this is …
android broadcastreceiver android-broadcast android-broadcastreceiverI am using a BraodCastReceiver that starts an IntentService. Everythings look working good, but I get this error which I …
android service broadcastreceiver intentserviceMy application don't catch "ACTION_USB_DEVICE_ATTACHED" but "ACTION_USB_DEVICE_DETACHED" work fine. Application start correctly if I …
android usb broadcastreceiver hostHi I see that some broadcast receiver use this tag android:exported="true" in Android Manifest.xml to register. <…
android broadcastreceiverI registered a receiver that listens to network events: <receiver android:label="NetworkConnection" android:name=".ConnectionChangeReceiver" > <intent-filter &…
android networking wifi broadcastreceiverAndroid: I am trying to cancel a notification from the notification bar after a package being installed. What I am …
android broadcastreceiver notificationmanagerI got this error while importing an eclipse project to Android studio. It shows a suggestion Add library Gradle: com.…
android broadcastreceiver localbroadcastmanagerI need to know when the user powers off his/her phone. Are there any broadcasts (or similar) that notify …
android broadcastreceiverIn my app you can download some files. I used the Android DownloadManager class for downloading. After the download is …
java android broadcastreceiver android-download-manager receiver