Top "Breeze" questions

Breeze is a JavaScript library that helps manage data in a rich client application.

Use jQuery or Q.Js for promises

I'm looking into BreezeJs and there samples are using Q.js for promises to handle asynchronous calls. John Papa is …

javascript jquery breeze promise q
System.Web.Http reference defaults to 4.0 version no matter how I try

I am using the BreezeApi NuGet package in my project. It is in Visual Studio 2013. I get this error. Error 41 …

c# visual-studio dll breeze nuget-package
Yet another ASP.Net WebAPI route not found

First off I have read as many articles as I can find on this topic and installed several "route debug" …

c# .net breeze
Current status of Upshot.js

I am thinking of using upshot.js along with Knockout in one of my very important projects. I do not … knockout.js upshot breeze
Any PHP framework implements ODATA protocol?

Is there any php framework that implements odata protocol, native or by extension? I need to use breezejs on the …

php laravel odata breeze jaydata
How is breeze.js handling security and avoiding exposing business logic

We are considering breeze js to build enterprise applications. The awesomeness of breeze is that we can execute queries right …

ADO.NET provider with invariant name 'System.Data.SqlServerCe.4.0' could not be loaded

The Entity Framework provider type 'System.Data.Entity.SqlServerCompact.SqlCeProviderServices, EntityFramework.SqlServerCompact' registered in the application config file for the …

.net entity-framework visual-studio-2013 breeze sql-server-ce-4
A data persistence library for AngularJs

There is an alpha for Ember Js and also Persistence. Is there something similar for AngularJs (or it is in …

angularjs breeze data-persistence