Top "Sql-server-ce-4" questions

Microsoft SQL Server Compact version 4 is a SQL Server embedded database for building standalone and occasionally connected applications for mobile devices, desktops, and Web clients.

SQL: Return only first occurrence

I seldomly use SQL and I cannot find anything similar in my archive so I'm asking this simple query question: …

sql sql-server-ce sql-server-ce-4
How do I open a SQL CE4 .sdf database file?

I installed Microsoft WebMatrix, which, I believe comes with SQL Server CE4. I've tried opening the SDF file in SQL …

How can I upgrade my Sql Server CE 3.5 sdf database to Sql Server CE 4.0?

I need to update my SqlCE3.5 database to 4.0. I get the following error message when I'm trying to access my 3.5 …

visual-studio-2010 entity-framework-4 sql-server-ce sql-server-ce-4
Unable to load the native components of SQL Server Compact

I've installed SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0 on Win7 x64 and it runs both for Asp.Net and Desktop Applications. This … sql-server-ce sql-server-ce-4
Using SQL Server CE 4 on a remote host with MVC 3

I just upgraded my host to MVC 3 but I'm trying to do a "hello world" using SQLCE 4.0 but I just … sql-server-ce sql-server-ce-4
DbSet.Find method ridiculously slow compared to .SingleOrDefault on ID

I have the following code (Database is SQL Server Compact 4.0): Dim competitor=context.Competitors.Find(id) When I profile this …

entity-framework ef-code-first dbcontext sql-server-ce-4 dbset
Code First Migrations and initialization error

I'm unsure about how to use the code first migration feature. In my understanding it should create my database if …

c# ef-code-first sql-server-ce-4 entity-framework-migrations
Ado connection to SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0

I want to connect to SQL Server Compact Edition 4.0 from an old asp-classic site but i always get the error: "…

asp-classic sql-server-ce connection-string ado sql-server-ce-4
Entity Framework 6 Update Graph

What is the correct way to save a graph of objects whose state you don't know? By state I mean …

c# entity-framework entity-framework-6 sql-server-ce-4
SQL Server CE 4.0 deployment issue--which files are necessary?

I'm trying to deploy a small Windows Form app that uses a SQL Server CE 4.0 database. I don't want every …

c# sql-server-ce-4