Top "Boost-thread" questions


How to pass function parameters to boost::thread_groups::create_thread()

I am new to Boost.Threads and am trying to understand how to pass function arguments to the boost::thread_…

c++ boost-thread
Execute callback function on main thread from std::thread

I have a requirement of executing a callback function on exit of a std::thread and the callback function should …

c++ multithreading c++11 pthreads boost-thread
Can multithreading speed up memory allocation?

I'm working with an 8 core processor, and am using Boost threads to run a large program. Logically, the program can …

c++ multithreading memory-management new-operator boost-thread
Trying to link Boost 1.52 thread

I am trying to compile my program but it wouldn't link at all. I have specified the path to the …

c++ visual-c++ compiler-errors boost-thread visual-c++-2010
Do we need multiple io_service per thread for threaded boost::asio server with a single acceptor

I am not much experienced in boost::asio. I've some pretty basic questions. Do I need to have a different …

c++ sockets boost boost-asio boost-thread
Pausing a boost::thread for unlimited time

I'm using the boost::thread library (V1.44) to support threads in my C++ project. The user needs to be able …

c++ multithreading boost boost-thread