Top "Boost-thread" questions


Usage example of boost::condition::timed_wait

Does someone have an example of how to most easily use boost::condition::timed_wait? There are some threads on …

c++ multithreading boost boost-thread condition-variable
boost::threadpool::pool vs.boost::thread_group

I'm trying to understand the different use cases. and the difference between the 2 thread uses. This is a great tutorial …

c++ multithreading boost-asio boost-thread
Creating a boost::thread with boost::bind() or without

Some people seem to launch boost::threads using the boost::bind() function, like in the accepted answer of the following …

c++ boost boost-thread
Boost.Thread Linking - boost_thread vs. boost_thread-mt

It's not clear to me what linking options exist for the Boost.Thread 1.34.1 library. I'm on Ubuntu 8.04 and I've found …

ubuntu g++ linker boost-thread
How to kill or Terminate a boost Thread

I want to terminate or kill boost thread. code is here: DWORD WINAPI StartFaceDetector(LPVOID temp) { int j=0; char **argv1; …

c++ visual-studio qt boost boost-thread
Creating a thread pool using boost

Is it possible to create a thread pool using boost's thread? i was looking all over boost's libs and I …

c++ boost threadpool boost-thread
is std::queue thread safe with producer and multiple consumers

how can I make a queue thread safe? I need to push / pop / front / back and clear. is there something …

c++ boost queue containers boost-thread
What's the difference between "mutex" and "lock"?

I am very confused about the difference between a lock and mutex. In Boost docs, it says, Lock Types Class …

c++ multithreading boost mutex boost-thread
How can I achieve something similar to a semaphore using boost in c++?

I noticed that boost does not seem to support semaphores. What's the easiest way to achieve a similar effect?

c++ multithreading boost boost-thread boost-interprocess
Compiling C++ source file using Boost.Thread

I am trying to learn how to use the C++ Boost.Thread library. I have installed the Boost libraries on …

c++ boost boost-thread