Top "Bluez" questions

BlueZ is the Bluetooth stack implemented in most Linux kernels.

RFCOMM without pairing using PyBluez on Debian?

I am trying to create an RFCOMM server process with Python that can be used without the need for pairing. …

python bluetooth rfcomm bluez
BlueZ D-Bus C or C++ Sample

I am trying to write an application which searches Bluetooth devices nearby and communicates with them. My application is going …

c++ c dbus bluez
BlueZ: How to set up a GATT server from the command line

I would like to know if there is a way to set up a gatt server from the Linux command …

linux bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy bluez gatt
Raspberry Pi iBeacon connection timing out

I am currently attempting the Raspberry Pi iBeacon tutorial posted by RadiusNetworks at but …

raspberry-pi bluetooth-lowenergy bluez ibeacon
HFP/HSP profile in linux

I have Ubuntu 16.04 and already installed BlueZ 5.37, PulseAudio 10.0, and ofono 1.20 (clone from github). And I need to use phone like …

linux bluetooth bluez pulseaudio
BlueZ 5.30: D-Bus GATT API - Simply Discover and Connect to a BLE device in C

With the last release of BlueZ (5.30) the highlight was the completion of the GATT D-Bus apis. My goal is to …

bluetooth-lowenergy dbus bluez gatt gdbus
Difference between hcitool scan and inq

Looking at the hcitool command on linux, what is the technical difference between hcitool scan and hcitool inq I understand …

linux bluetooth bluez hci
Bluez Programming

I'm programming in BlueZ on my Raspberry Pi with an USB Bluetooth dongle. I need to be able to programmatically …

c bluetooth arduino bluez
Bluetooth Low Energy GATT Security Levels

I am investigating the types of security available in Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) related to GATT. More specifically, what kind …

security bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy bluez
bluez 5.30: "Not enough free handles to register service" error in starting bluetoothd

What I have done correctly: in linux environment hciattach /dev/ttyUSB0 any 115200 hciconfig hci0 up addgroup -S messagebus adduser -S …

linux bluetooth bluez