Top "Gdbus" questions

Tool for working with D-Bus objects

set/get property using dbus-send

I have made below sample xml and need some help in forming dbus-send command to set/get propoerty "Status". I …

dbus gdbus
BlueZ 5.30: D-Bus GATT API - Simply Discover and Connect to a BLE device in C

With the last release of BlueZ (5.30) the highlight was the completion of the GATT D-Bus apis. My goal is to …

bluetooth-lowenergy dbus bluez gatt gdbus
Sample program for GDbus signals

I am new to GDbus programming. I need to implement a simple Dbus send-receive message (Signals) using Dbus Glib. I …

Sending a byte array (type `ay`) over D-Bus using GDBus

I am trying to a byte array over D-Bus using the GDBus bindings. Can you please let me know how …

c dbus gdbus