Top "Bluez" questions

BlueZ is the Bluetooth stack implemented in most Linux kernels.

Is there a way to increase BLE advertisement frequency in BlueZ?

I have a linux computer broadcasting a BLE advertisement using the following commands: sudo hciconfig hci0 up sudo hcitool -i …

linux bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy bluez
Bluetooth LE on Raspbian

I installed bluez-5.15 from source with the following configuration: $ ./configure --prefix=/usr --mandir=/usr/share/man --sysconfdir=/etc \ --localstatedir=/var …

linux raspberry-pi bluetooth-lowenergy raspbian bluez
How to implement Bluetooth LE with Bluez in Linux

I'm working on setting up two Linux systems for a BLE demo. Obviously one system will be the peripheral and …

bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy bluez gatt
Bluetooth Low Energy: Use BlueZ stack as a peripheral (with custom services and characteristics)

I am trying to use the BlueZ stack on a Linux machine to create a GATT server with custom services …

linux bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy bluez gatt
Cannot connect to BLE device on Raspberry Pi

I'm trying to connect to a BLE device (Heart rate sensor, Polar H7), on a Raspberry Pi 2. I use the …

bluetooth raspberry-pi bluetooth-lowenergy bluez
How can I connect to the FitBit Zip over Bluetooth 4.0 LE on Linux with bluez?

I purchased a FitBit zip. This device uses Bluetooth 4.0 LE. I would like to at least connect to it via …

linux reverse-engineering bluez fitbit
Pulseaudio not detecting bluetooth headset

I am trying to connect a bluetooth headset to my RPI. My setup is the following: archlinux-arm, kernel: linux-raspberrypi 3.12.23-1 …

bluetooth raspberry-pi bluez pulseaudio archlinux-arm
BlueZ on i.MX25 : Can't connect RFCOMM socket: Operation now in progress

I'm trying to connect to a bluetooth device on embedded linux. BlueZ version is 4.101. Local bluetooth adapter is an USB …

linux bluetooth embedded-linux bluez rfcomm
How to retrieve advertising payload from iBeacon / BLE

How do you retrieve the advertising payload for a Bluetooth LE emitter in linux? Specifically, I've configured arduino's and R-PI's …

linux bluetooth-lowenergy ibeacon bluez
Bluetooth Low-Energy on Linux API

I have a device with a few custom GATT services, and I would like to write a Linux program to …

linux bluetooth bluetooth-lowenergy bluez