A tree data structure in which each node has at most two child nodes.
void traverse(Node* root) { queue<Node*> q; Node* temp_node= root; while(temp_node) { cout<<temp_…
c++ algorithm binary-tree breadth-first-search tree-traversalI am trying to find out how to get the path from root to a given node on a binary …
tree binary-treeThis is one of the interview questions I recently came across. Given the root address of a complete or almost …
algorithm data-structures heap binary-tree binary-heapAccording to Wikipedia, The height of a tree is the length of the path from the root to the deepest …
tree height binary-tree discrete-mathematicsI want to convert a binary tree to an array using C. I tried but was unsuccessful. My binary tree …
c arrays tree binary-tree preorderIf I am implementing in-memory(RAM) search operation with b trees, then would it be better in terms of caching …
performance binary-tree b-treeHere is a question I was recently asked in an interview. A binary tree is given with a condition that …
algorithm sorting binary-treeThis is not homework, and I don't need to answer it, but now I have become obsessed :) The problem is: …
algorithm tree binary-treeI have written a code for finding diameter of Binary Tree. Need suggestions for the following: Can I do this …
java algorithm recursion tree binary-treeCan anyone point out a way of getting the depth of a Node in a Binary Tree (not a balanced …
recursion binary-tree non-recursive