Top "Binary-tree" questions

A tree data structure in which each node has at most two child nodes.

Is there a built-in Binary Search Tree in .NET 4.0?

Is there a built-in binary search tree in .NET 4.0, or do I need to build this abstract data type from …

c# .net binary-tree
What is the fastest way to change a key of an element inside std::map

I understand the reasons why one can't just do this (rebalancing and stuff): iterator i = m.find(33); if (i != m.…

c++ performance dictionary binary-tree std
Binary Tree Insert Algorithm

I recently finished implementing a Binary search tree for a project I was working on. It went well and I …

c++ tree insert binary-tree binary-search-tree
Looking for a java library that has implemented Binary Tree

Is there a java library that has Binary Tree that I can use? I am not looking forward to test …

java binary-tree
When Inorder traversing a tree resulted E A C K F H D B G, what would be the preorder equivalent?

I am having trouble drawing this tree because I do not know when to put a value to right or …

binary-tree inorder preorder
Search times for binary search tree

Does anyone know how to figure out search time for a binary search tree(i.e. worst-case, best-case, and average-case)?

runtime binary-tree analysis
How do I iterate over Binary Tree?

Right now I have private static void iterateall(BinaryTree foo) { if(foo!= null){ System.out.println(foo.node); iterateall(foo.…

java algorithm recursion traversal binary-tree
Implement Heap using a Binary Tree

This question has been asked before in Stack Exchange but it went unanswered. Link to the previously asked question: Binary …

java heap binary-tree
Check if a binary tree is a mirror image or symmetric

What is the basics algorithm for testing if a tree is symmetrical. Because it is a binary tree, I would …

algorithm language-agnostic data-structures binary-tree
Explain Morris inorder tree traversal without using stacks or recursion

Can someone please help me understand the following Morris inorder tree traversal algorithm without using stacks or recursion ? I was …

c++ binary-tree tree-traversal