Use this tag for questions that have to do with operators that are identified as binary operators, i.e. operators that work with the two operands.
I've been attempting to learn C in my spare time, and other languages (C#, Java, etc.) have the same concept (…
language-agnostic bit-manipulation operators bit-shift binary-operatorsPossible Duplicate: C reverse bits in unsigned integer How can I reverse a binary number only using binary operators? E.…
c binary binary-operatorsI'm writing a program for my control structures class and I'm trying to compile it. The only error, at least …
c++ compiler-errors binary-operatorsI'm trying to refactor part of a pathfinding algorithm I had that used pointers to not use pointers. Unfortunately I'm …
c++ algorithm pointers reference binary-operatorsI have this var json : [[String : Any]] = [[:]] which contains the JSON response as follows: { "id": "1", "name": "Apple", "category_name": "Fruits" }, { "…
ios json swift binary-operatorsi am currently reading the O'reilly Java 8 Lambdas is a really good book. i came across with a example like …
java java-8 binary-operatorsI recently came across some functions where you can pass multiple enums like this: myFunction(One | Two); Since I think …
c++ enums switch-statement binary-operators