BigDecimal is a numeric object type in Java that represents decimal numbers with arbitrary precision.
According to the chart here, the equivalent data type in Java to C#'s Decimal is BigDecimal. Is this really …
c# java decimal bigdecimal complex-data-typesI am developing a mathematical parser which is able to evaluate String like '5+b*sqrt(c^2)'. I am …
java precision trigonometry bigdecimalMy app is on: ruby-2.6.4 Rails 4.2.8 activerecord-4.2.8 I'm upgrading a rails app to ruby-2.6.4 When running a rake task in …
ruby-on-rails-4 bigdecimal oracle-call-interfaceWhat programming languages support arbitrary precision arithmetic and could you give a short example of how to print an arbitrary …
programming-languages bigdecimal arbitrary-precisionI was reading BigDecimal Class but I was not able to find any information how BigDecimal class stores values in …
java bigdecimalI'm looking for a method that returns a boolean if the String it is passed is a valid number (e.…
java format numbers bigdecimal state-machineAvro schemas are defined using JSON. Schemas are composed of primitive types (null, boolean, int, long, float, double, bytes, and …
java bigdecimal avroI am writing algorithms inside methods that return BigDecimal values but now and again the result calculated will be + or …
java algorithm exception bigdecimal infinityI was multiplying very two huge BigIntegervalues in a program. It failed. What are the limits of BigInteger and BigDecimal ?
java limit biginteger bigdecimal numberformatexceptionHow do I convert a scala.math.BigDecimal to java.math.BigDecimal?
scala bigdecimal