All questions concerning numbers which support extremely high precision: Libraries in programming languages (GMP, MPFR), support of arbitrary precision in computer algebra systems (CAS, Mathematica, Maple, Mathlab) and how to correctly use and calculate numbers with very high precision and accuracy.
What class should I use for representation of money to avoid most rounding errors? Should I use Decimal, or a …
python currency rounding-error arbitrary-precision precisionI have a numpy 2d array [medium/large sized - say 500x500]. I want to find the eigenvalues of the …
python math numpy linear-algebra arbitrary-precisionPython is supposed to have "arbitrary precision integers," according to the answer in Python integer ranges. But this result is …
python arbitrary-precisionWhat programming languages support arbitrary precision arithmetic and could you give a short example of how to print an arbitrary …
programming-languages bigdecimal arbitrary-precisionI need to convert a large (too large for the built-in data types) hex string to a string with it's …
c++ arbitrary-precision base-conversionThis is a problem from Project Euler, and this question includes some source code, so consider this your spoiler alert, …
c# arbitrary-precisionOauth requires a random 64-bit, unsigned number encoded as an ASCII string in decimal format. Can you guys help me …
php random oauth arbitrary-precision