Top "Bcrypt" questions

bcrypt is an implementation of the Blowfish cipher and a computationally-expensive hash function mostly used for password hashing.

BCrypt: How to determine whether two hashes refer to the same password

I wonder how BCrypt can infer the correctness of a entered password, if the generated hash is different for each …

hash bcrypt blowfish
Verify password hash in nodejs which was generated in php

My php code generates a hash using password_hash which I store in a database. Below is the PHP code: $…

php node.js security bcrypt php-password-hash
bcrypt is breaking my meteor application, how do I fix it?

I wasn't sure if this should be a stackoverflow or serverfault question. I installed Meteor's accounts-password module and it worked …

node.js ubuntu nginx meteor bcrypt
Best practie to require a module within Sails.js globally?

I am currently building out the Authentication piece of my Sails.js app, using bcrypt to hash my passwords. Everything …

javascript bcrypt sails.js
package.json is not node-pre-gyp ready, but what do the properties mean?

I want to deploy an app to heroku. A while ago it was working, but when I tried to push, …

git heroku meteor bcrypt node-pre-gyp
Ruby BCrypt hash comparison

I'm trying to implement what seems like a very simple authentication approach using Sinatra and BCrypt but clearly I'm missing …

ruby bcrypt
Generating Password Hash In PHP 5.5 And Setting Cost Option

I know PHP 5.5 is in alpha but this class I am making is just being made in advance to utilize …

php passwords bcrypt php-password-hash