bcrypt is an implementation of the Blowfish cipher and a computationally-expensive hash function mostly used for password hashing.
I'm trying to implement authentication using BCrypt, in my Play 2.1. Java application, but I'm getting Invalid salt version exception when …
java hibernate playframework-2.1 bcrypt jbcryptI'm trying to use the bcrypt-nodejs package with my sequelize model and was tring to follow a tutorial to incorporate …
node.js sequelize.js bcryptCan someone point out the differences between the two and example situations where use each? bcrypt looks great.
node.js cryptography bcryptFrom github: To hash a password: var bcrypt = require('bcrypt'); bcrypt.genSalt(10, function(err, salt) { bcrypt.hash("B4c0/\/", salt, …
node.js bcryptDoes anyone know of a good implementation of bcrypt, I know this question has been asked before but it got …
.net bcrypt bcrypt.netI just added a registration functionality to my new grails project. For testing it, I registered by giving an email …
grails bcryptI'm trying to set up a login function for my Rails app, I'm getting a bcrypt error message when I …
ruby-on-rails ruby ruby-on-rails-4 load bcryptI'm trying to install bycrpt via npm install using Windows 7 Ultimate x64. This is my install log: D:\Dropbox\Projekte\…
node.js npm bcryptI am getting a bcrypt error stating that data and hash arguments are required, referencing line #44 in my routes.js …
javascript bcrypt