Top "Barcode" questions

This tag should be used for questions on how to generate, decode, or use barcodes in programs.

Barcode with Text Under using ItextSharp

I am using iTextSharp in my application to generate a barcode. Though everything is working as I wanted, I need …

c# itextsharp barcode
Android barcode scanner integration with web page

I have been researching all morning about integrating an android barcode scanner app into a web page, but haven't found …

android webpage barcode
How to create barcode scanner (Android)?

Can someone tell me if creating barcode scanner app (for Android) is difficult? Is OpenCV library good start? Where can …

java android barcode barcode-scanner
printing QR codes through an ESC/POS thermal printer?

I'm printing some QR codes (from a Ruby script) writing ESC/POS commands to a Epson TM-T20 thermal printer. BTW, …

ruby printing barcode qr-code zebra-printers
Barcode reading using picture taken using mobile phone camera

How do we do programmatic reading of a barcode that is captured using a mobile phone camera? For example, how …

iphone android java-me mobile barcode
Barcode Generation from within iOS App

I want to take a numerical string and generate a simple barcode that can be read by any scanner. I …

ios iphone ipad barcode
How to generate Code39 barcodes in

I want to create Code39 encoded barcodes from my application. I know I can use a font for this, but …

.net barcode
Barcode field length

I'm writing some attendance software. Each member will have an ID card with a barcode which they will use to …

Maximum length of a Code 128 barcode

I need to create a Code 128 barcode with a maximum of 44 characters. What is the maximum number of characters supported …

android barcode zbar-sdk
Do the Amazon web service APIs support barcode/UPC queries?

I skimmed through their documentation and found it a bit overwhelming at first. I know you can search for items …

amazon-web-services barcode