Top "Barcode" questions

This tag should be used for questions on how to generate, decode, or use barcodes in programs.

Generate PDF with iTextSharp

I am trying to add an image to the top of every page on an existing PDF. I have tried …

c# pdf itext barcode
Zxing 2.2 import as a library project(not .jar) in eclipse

I have downloaded the zxing 2.2 code from the below link My requirement …

android eclipse barcode zxing library-project
iOS Swift Barcode Reading

I have barcode scanning working in my app. After the barcode is detected I stop the capture session to allow …

ios swift barcode
How to read a barcode from an image

I'm seeking a library, technique or advice on how to read an EAN-13 barcode from an image (including ISBN,and …

ruby-on-rails c ruby image-processing barcode
Any Good Resources For Getting Started With Barcode Programming?

I want to be able to store product information in the database for a web application, I decided it would …

google.zxing barcode generator in iReport

I want put a barcode in my page and can preview it. The barcode generator is google.zxing and my …

java jasper-reports ireport barcode zxing
Unable to use EMDK for .NET

I'm developing a mobile application that uses a barcode scanner (Motorola MC75A). I installed EMDK for .NET v2.5. I …

c# .net barcode motorola-emdk
Detect scanner input using jquery

Suppose I have two textboxes: <input type="text"id="resourceName" placeholder="Resource name"/> <input type="text" id="…

jquery barcode onkeydown
implementing quagga scanning barcodes

I am making an online scan application just with HTML5 and javascript using Quagga.js. I need to get the …

web barcode scanning quagga
Is there a good free barcode scanning SDK for non-autofocus cameras on iOS?

I understand there are many questions similar to this on StackOverflow, but this question is very specific so I'm not …

iphone ios cocoa-touch barcode barcode-scanner