Top "Azure-storage-blobs" questions

Azure Blob Storage is a cloud service for storing unstructured binary data.

How to purge the Azure CDN to refresh any cached content?

I need to refresh the contents when I upload a new content to CDN. When the content change, it's important …

azure azure-storage-blobs azure-cdn
Copy Data From Azure Blob Storage to AWS S3

I am new to Azure Data Factory and have an interesting requirement. I need to move files from Azure Blob …

amazon-s3 ssis azure-storage azure-storage-blobs azure-data-factory-2
Any ideas about how to check Azure's blob storage for viruses?

Our application stores files uploaded from our customers to blob storage. These files are exchanged between different parties (our customers …

azure azure-storage-blobs
Difference between Azure Data Lake Storage x Azure Blob Storage and Azure File Storage

I have a question about the use cases of the different Azure storage services: Azure Data Lake Storage. Azure Blob …

azure cloud azure-storage-blobs azure-data-lake
Serving Video Content from Azure Blob Storage

I am trying to serve MP4 Video content from Azure Blob Storage. I can get the video to play in …

c# azure html5-video azure-storage-blobs
Azure back up vs Snapshots

I'm an azure newbie and just trying to understand Azure better. My questions are specific to backing up Linux VMs …

azure azure-storage-blobs snapshot
Azure Logic Apps - Get Blob Content - Setting Content type

The Azure Logic Apps action "Get Blob Content" doesn't allow us to set the return content-type. By default, it returns …

azure azure-storage-blobs content-type azure-logic-apps
Azure storage: Uploaded files with size zero bytes

When I upload an image file to a blob, the image is uploaded apparently successfully (no errors). When I go …

file-upload azure azure-storage-blobs
Azure downloadtostreamasync method hangs

here is the offending code public async static Task<MemoryStream> AsyncReadBlob(string identifier) { CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(storageString); …

c# asynchronous azure-storage azure-storage-blobs
Azcopy from a SAS url giving errors

I am trying to copy from a SAS url location to a destination storage account. I tried the following commands …

azure-storage-blobs cloud-storage signatures azcopy