Top "Azure-data-lake" questions

Azure Data Lake Analytics is a suite of three big data services in Microsoft Azure: HDInsight, Data Lake Store, and Data Lake Analytics.

Azure Data Lake Gen 1 vs Gen 2

Recently Azure announced Data Lake Gen 2 preview. As far as I know the main difference between Gen 1 and Gen 2 (in …

azure azure-data-lake
Difference between Azure Data Lake Storage x Azure Blob Storage and Azure File Storage

I have a question about the use cases of the different Azure storage services: Azure Data Lake Storage. Azure Blob …

azure cloud azure-storage-blobs azure-data-lake
Moving - not copying - data in Azure Data Factory

I'd like to set up an Azure Data Factory pipeline which performs a move (i.e. copy, verify, delete) operation …

azure azure-data-factory azure-data-lake
Azure Databricks - Can not create the managed table The associated location already exists

I have the following problem in Azure Databricks. Sometimes when I try to save a DataFrame as a managed table: …

apache-spark hive azure-data-lake databricks azure-databricks
Azure Data lake VS Azure HDInsight

I was going through the Microsoft documents: I'm new to Azure Data …

azure azure-data-lake azure-hdinsight
Azcopy error "This request is not authorized to perform this operation."

I copied a container to another storage account based on the document linked below. (DataLake Storage Gen2). When trying, I …

azure azure-storage azure-data-lake
How to choose between Azure data lake analytics and Azure Databricks

Azure data lake analytics and azure databricks both can be used for batch processing. Could anyone please help me understand …

azure-data-lake azure-analysis-services
How to run PowerShell from Azure Data Factory

I have PowerShell script which splits a complex CSV file to a smaller CSV file for every 1000 records. Here is …

powershell azure-data-factory azure-powershell azure-data-lake