Top "Azure-storage-blobs" questions

Azure Blob Storage is a cloud service for storing unstructured binary data.

How to break a lease on Blob Storage in Azure with PowerShell?

How do I break a lease on an item in Blob Storage utilizing PowerShell? I'm receiving the following when trying …

azure azure-storage azure-storage-blobs azure-powershell
Stream videos from Azure Blob Storage using Media Service

I am developing application which contains Video Library. We have only 1 Storage account and Users uploading videos on defined Blob …

azure video azure-storage-blobs azure-media-services
Copy file from remote server using SFTP straight to Azure blob storage

I've got a remote server with a bunch of static files (outside of Azure). I've created a worker role in …

azure azure-worker-roles azure-storage-blobs
PowerShell script error: the string is missing the terminator:

Incredibly simple powershell script... #Server side storage copy $SourceStorageAccount = "myStorageAccount" $SourceStorageKey = "myKey" $SourceStorageContext = New-AzureStorageContext –StorageAccountName $SourceStorageAccount -StorageAccountKey $SourceStorageKey fails with …

powershell azure azure-storage azure-storage-blobs azure-powershell
403 error in production from WindowsAzure.Storage

I have a WebForms app that uses the WindowsAzure.Storage API v3. It works fine in development and in one … azure azure-storage-blobs
Don't Overwrite Azure Blob Storage

I have a method which adds files to a Azure Blob Storage the problem is i'm trying to specify a …

c# azure cloud azure-storage-blobs blobstorage
Azure Blob: "The condition specified using HTTP conditional header(s) is not met"

I got this exception when I run my application. It happens also in the real Azure blob storage. I've caught …

http azure blob azure-storage-blobs azure-storage
How do I upload a file to Azure blob storage from a MVC view

I am coding a MVC5 internet application and would like some help to upload a file from my own filesystem …

azure file-upload azure-storage-blobs
Why upload to Azure blob so slow?

I have a custom stream that is used to perform write operations directly into the page cloud blob. public sealed …

c# performance azure azure-storage-blobs
error importing 'BlobServiceClient' from ''

I have the following line of code: from import BlobServiceClient I get the following error: from azure.…

python azure azure-storage azure-storage-blobs azure-blob-storage