Top "Azure-active-directory" questions

Microsoft Azure Active Directory (Microsoft Azure AD) is a modern developer platform and IAM service that provides identity management and access control capabilities for your cloud applications.

Difference between Service Principal and Managed Identities in Azure

I would like to know if it is always recommended to use Managed Identities in Azure , mostly system assigned or …

azure azure-active-directory claims-based-identity
Move Azure resources from a directory to another directory

In my Azure account, I have multiple directories () associated to my personal Microsoft account. The directory in the middle, that …

azure azure-active-directory
How do I get all the details of an Azure AD computer object?

Calling Get-AzureADDevice gets me three attributes. How can I get the full list of attributes for the object? Specifically, when …

azure powershell azure-active-directory azure-ad-powershell-v2
Service ADSync was not found on computer

Hello, for some time we have a problem while trying to run ADConnect on our Server 2012 R2. On title screen …

office365 azure-active-directory windows-server-2012 office365connectors
Stuck between two errors in an Azure OAuth2 token request

I am implementing an OAuth2 provider for OWIN and Azure Active Director. FWIW, at this time the OpenId Connect option … azure-active-directory
passport-azure-ad: which strategy to use

We have front end developed in AngularJS and backend APIs in NodeJs. We are using Azure AD for authentication. Frontend …

node.js adal azure-active-directory
X-Frame-Option DENY error when AAD sign-in in office add-in

I'm working on build Office add-in with Adal.js for AAD integration. And my add-in requires some permissions. When I …

azure-active-directory adal office-addins office-js adal.js
Authenticating with Azure Active Directory on powershell

I am attempting to explore the features of the Azure Active Directory V2 PowerShell Module I have an Azure Account, …

powershell azure azure-active-directory azure-powershell
Define Azure AD B2C vs B2B uses and differences

Could you please define cloud based authentication services Azure AD B2C and B2B with it's uses and their …

azure azure-active-directory azure-ad-b2c
AADSTS90093: Does not have access to consent in office365

I am using Office365 Rest api's to write into users onedrive for business. When i try to get the OAuth …

office365 azure-active-directory sharepoint-online