Top "Azimuth" questions

An an angular measurement in a spherical coordinate system.

Position of the sun given time of day, latitude and longitude

This question has been asked before a little over three years ago. There was an answer given, however I've found …

r math geometry astronomy azimuth
Combine Gyroscope with accelerometer to get heading

I'm using an Android device to get the heading(azimuth, or yaw angle). Android API used the Accelerometer value + the …

android orientation accelerometer gyroscope azimuth
How to get the compass direction from azimuth on Android

I have to display which direction the user is pointing the Android device. I am using Sensor.TYPE_ACCELEROMETER, Sensor.…

android sensors android-sensors azimuth
How to calculate azimut & elevation relative to a camera direction of view in 3D ...?

I'm rusty a bit here. I have a vector (camDirectionX, camDirectionY, camDirectionZ) that represents my camera direction of view. I …

vector 3d camera elevation azimuth