Top "Aws-api-gateway" questions

Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale.

API gateway vs. reverse proxy

In order to deal with the microservice architecture, it's often used alongside a Reverse Proxy (such as nginx or apache …

nginx reverse-proxy microservices aws-api-gateway tyk
Using an api key in amazon api gateway

I have created an api key and added it to my functions. I have then deployed the api and tested …

amazon-web-services aws-lambda amazon-cognito aws-api-gateway
AWS lambda api gateway error "Malformed Lambda proxy response"

I am trying to set up a hello world example with AWS lambda and serving it through api gateway. I …

node.js amazon-web-services aws-lambda aws-api-gateway
Signature expired: is now earlier than error : InvalidSignatureException

I am trying a small example with AWS API Gateway and IAM authorization. The AWS API Gateway generated the below …

amazon-web-services postman aws-api-gateway amazon-iam
How can I retrieve a user's public IP address via Amazon API Gateway + Lambda (node)

I'm currently writing a Node.js lambda function, in which I want to log the incoming requester's public IP address. …

node.js amazon-web-services aws-lambda aws-api-gateway
How do I pass arguments to AWS Lambda functions using GET requests?

Say I want to pass val1 and val2 in the URL string when making a GET request from my Api …

python amazon-web-services aws-lambda aws-api-gateway
aws api gateway & lambda: multiple endpoint/functions vs single endpoint

I have an AWS api that proxies lamba functions. I currently use different endpoints with separate lambda functions:…

api amazon-web-services aws-lambda aws-api-gateway
message: "Internal server error" when try to access aws gateway api

Created Lambda Hello world function using Node.js and created API GateWay trigger for Get call, tried the URL to …

aws-lambda aws-api-gateway
How do you add CloudFront in front of API Gateway

API Gateway (APIG), while it uses CloudFront (CF) it does not support CDN edge caching. When I configured a CF …

amazon-web-services cdn amazon-cloudfront aws-api-gateway