I am trying a small example with AWS API Gateway and IAM authorization. The AWS API Gateway generated the below Endpoint :
with POST action and no parameters.
Initially I had turned off the IAM for this POST Method and I verified results using Postman it works. Then I created a new IAM User and attached AmazonAPIGatewayInvokeFullAccess Policy to the user thereby giving permission to invoke any API's. Enabled the IAM for the POST Method.
I then went to Postman - and added Authorization with AccessKey, Secret Key, AWS Region as us-east-2
and Service Name as execute-api
and tried to execute the Request but I got InvalidSignatureException Error with 403 as return code.
The body contains following message :
Signature expired: 20170517T062414Z is now earlier than 20170517T062840Z (20170517T063340Z - 5 min.)"
What am I missing ?
You need to synchronize your machines local clock with NTP.
for eg. on an ubuntu machine:
sudo ntpdate pool.ntp.org
System time goes out of sync quite often. You need to keep them in sync periodically.
You can run a daily CRON job to keep your system time in sync as mentioned at this link: Periodically synchronize time in Linux
Create a bash script to sync time called ntpdate and put the below into it
# sync server time
/usr/sbin/ntpdate pool.ntp.org >> /tmp/ntpdate.log
You can place this script anywhere you like and then set up a cron I will be putting it into the daily cron directory so that it runs once every day So my ntpdate script is now in /etc/cron.daily/ntpdate and it will run every day
Make this script executable
chmod +x /etc/cron.daily/ntpdate
Test it by running the script once and look for some output in /tmp/ntpdate.log
In your log file you should see something like
26 Aug 12:19:06 ntpdate[2191]: adjust time server offset 0.272120 sec