Amazon API Gateway is a fully managed service that makes it easy for developers to create, publish, maintain, monitor, and secure APIs at any scale.
Using AWS CLI aws --version aws-cli/1.11.21 Python/2.7.12 Darwin/15.3.0 botocore/1.4.78 Creating a POST method for API Gateway as explained at https://…
aws-lambda aws-api-gateway aws-cli serverless-architectureWhen I run CloudFormation deploy using a template with API Gateway resources, the first time I run it, it creates …
amazon-web-services aws-api-gateway amazon-cloudformationThis does not make sense to me at all. When you create a new API Gateway you can specify whether …
amazon-web-services aws-api-gatewayI'm creating AWS Cloudformation template for my environment and I can't find a way to enable CORS for API Gateway …
amazon-web-services cors amazon-cloudformation aws-api-gatewayThere are similar questions but they have answers that I have tried. I'm not sure what I could be doing …
api amazon-web-services amazon-s3 aws-api-gatewayOne of the things that drives me nuts is that AWS has loads of docs about the format of an …
amazon-web-services amazon-iam aws-api-gatewayI've been all over the web searching for an answer to this. Essentially, we're spinning up an API using Swagger, …
amazon-web-services aws-lambda aws-api-gateway amazon-cloudformationI configure Custom Access Logging for Amazon API Gateway and I need to specify CloudWatch Group name, but when I …
amazon-web-services aws-api-gateway amazon-cloudwatchI'm trying to return a 1px gif from an AWS API Gateway method. Since binary data is now supported, I …
amazon-web-services aws-api-gatewayI'm working with AWS API Gateway and AWS Lambda. Often I face this type of error message when attempt to …
amazon-web-services aws-lambda aws-api-gateway