Top "Avcapturesession" questions

iPhone - To perform a real-time or offline capture, you instantiate an AVCaptureSession object and add appropriate inputs (such as AVCaptureDeviceInput), and outputs (such as AVCaptureMovieFileOutput).

Switch front/back camera with AVCaptureSession

I'm following the only answer this has on SO - Switch cameras with avcapturesession However cameraWithPosition does not seem to …

ios objective-c avfoundation avcapturesession
AVCaptureSession is not giving a good photo quality and good resolution

I'm working with AVCaptureSession for capturing the image. Its working fine but not giving a good resolution. I compared it …

iphone objective-c ios5 camera avcapturesession
Barcode on swift 4

I'm trying to upgrade mi app to swift 4, but the barcode reader is not working. I have isolated the barcode …

barcode avcapturesession ios11 swift4 xcode9-beta
Why does AVCaptureVideoOrientation landscape modes result in upside down still images?

I am using AVFoundation classes to implement a custom camera in my app. I am only capturing still images, not …

iphone ios avcapturesession image-capture avcapturedevice
iOS 7 AVCaptureMetadataOutput delegate (QRCode scanner)

I'm trying to implement a QRCode scanner with the new iOS 7 features but my code isn't calling the main AVCaptureMetadataOutputObjectsDelegate …

ios avfoundation ios7 qr-code avcapturesession
Capturing Video with Swift using AVCaptureVideoDataOutput or AVCaptureMovieFileOutput

I need some guidance on how to capture video without having to use an UIImagePicker. The video needs to start …

swift avcapturesession
How to get the Y component from CMSampleBuffer resulted from the AVCaptureSession?

Hey there, I am trying to access raw data from iphone camera using AVCaptureSession. I follow the guide provided by …

iphone stream avcapturesession
Video Saving in the wrong orientation AVCaptureSession

I'm trying to record a video (without displaying the camera) and save it. But the video being saved is not …

ios objective-c avcapturesession
Focus (Autofocus) not working in camera (AVFoundation AVCaptureSession)

I am using standard AVFoundation classes to capture video and show preview (…

iphone camera avfoundation avcapturesession autofocus
AVCaptureVideoPreviewLayer not filling screen

I read about one million threads about how to make a VideoPreviewLayer filling the complete screen of an iPhone but …

ios objective-c avfoundation avcapturesession avcapture