iPhone - To perform a real-time or offline capture, you instantiate an AVCaptureSession object and add appropriate inputs (such as AVCaptureDeviceInput), and outputs (such as AVCaptureMovieFileOutput).
I would like to perform a few operations to a CVPixelBufferRef and come out with a cv::Mat crop to …
c++ ios objective-c opencv avcapturesessionI have a program that views a camera input in real-time and gets the color value of the middle pixel. …
iphone ios avcapturesession cmsamplebufferref cmsamplebufferEnvironment: Xcode 4, ios 5, ipod touch 4th generation with retina display I am trying to write a simple app that shows …
iphone uiview ios5 ipod avcapturesessionI'm trying to take 5 pictures every second with AVCaptureSession and I'm not sure I understand what AVFrameRange means. Currently I …
ios objective-c avcapturesession avcapturedeviceI am developing video streaming application, in which i need to capture front camera video frame and encode then transfer …
ios video objective-c++ avcapturesession avcapturedevice