Top "Autorun" questions

The system used to provide automatic launch options when removable media is loaded on Windows computers

Run script with rc.local: script works, but not at boot

I have a node.js script which need to start at boot and run under the www-data user. During development …

linux bash ubuntu boot autorun
auto run a bat script in windows 7 at login

I have recently acquired a windows 7 laptop from my late grandmother. I have been using it for work and other …

windows-7 batch-file virtual-machine autorun
Automatically launch app on USB (through autorun?)

Is it possible to automatically launch an application from a USB flash drive (bypassing windows prompt asking user what he …

usb autorun
How to use autorun in Windows 7 from a Flash drive to open a webpage?

I've been trying to come up with a way to autorun a series of HTML pages that are hosted on …

windows-7 autorun
Auto run appilication while plug in USB drive

I am trying to auto run an application after I've plugged in my USB pen drive. Is there any way …

usb-drive autorun
what is a good way to autorun macros upon open

I've tried using the code that many sites have suggested to autorun a list of macros upon opening an Excel …

excel vba automation autorun
How to decrypt a javascript file

I just discovered a virus in my computer that uses a .js file to attack. I opened the file in …

javascript obfuscation virus autorun deobfuscation
How do I automatically run an application on USB attach or CD insert on Mac OS X?

Is there any way to automatically launch an application on USB attach or CD insert on Mac OS X? it's …

macos usb autorun
Autorun.inf opens a batch file which creates a directory doesn't work

I'm trying to make a autorun.inf file which would open a .bat file from a flash drive. What I …

windows batch-file directory autorun
How to auto-run a script

I created a script that will tell me what to wear in the morning based on the weather (i.e. …

python autorun