I created a script that will tell me what to wear in the morning based on the weather (i.e. rain slicker if it will rain, heavy jacket if it will be cold, etc). I have fairly basic programming experience with python and the script works perfectly, but I want to be able to create a file that I can just double-click from my desktop and the script will automatically run.
My goal is to be able to simply double click [something] in the morning and it will automatically run the script and thus tell me what to wear. How could I go about doing this?
System Specifications:
This worked for me on Snow Leopard:
-Put the python script on the desktop.
-Right click on the script file, and choose "Get info"
-Find "Open With", and choose "Python Launcher" from the dropdown box
Now double-clicking the script file will run the script in a new terminal window.
I'm not sure what versions of OS X come with the Python Launcher application. If you don't have that, you can solve it with a couple extra steps:
-Put the python script anywhere
-Create a shell script on the desktop with one line:
python "/Users/john/scripts/what-to-wear.py"
(Where I've assumed your script is called what-to-wear.py and is in /Users/john/scripts. Be aware that you do need to use an absolute path.)
-Make the shell script executable. In a terminal:
chmod 755 what-to-wear-shell-script
-Double clicking the shell script should run it in a terminal, running your python script.