Top "Autofixture" questions

AutoFixture is an open source library for .NET designed to minimize the 'Arrange' phase of your unit tests.

Difference between Fact and Theory? -

I'm new to and AutoFixture. I'm currently working on a "testproject" to get familiar with and …

c# autofixture
Using Verify to confirm expected parameter values in Moq mock class

I'm trying to verify that a method within a mock is called with an expected object parameter. I'm using Moq, …

nunit moq autofixture
AutoFixture - configure fixture to limit string generation length

When using AutoFixture's Build method for some type, how can I limit the length of the strings generated to fill …

c# autofixture
What is AutoFixture AutoMoq?

I was looking at nuget and wanted to import moq when I noticed AutoFixture AutoMoq. I see that AutoFixture is …

moq autofixture
How to use AutoFixture to build with customized properties while keeping type customizations?

I am trying to use autofixture to create an object but there are certain properties that I want to always …

c# .net unit-testing autofixture
Can't grasp the difference between Freeze/Inject/Register

Before starting, I'm a big fan of AutoFixture, I'm still in the curve of learning how to use the tool. …

c# autofixture
XUnit, AutoFixture and Moq best practice

I'm reading a lot of documentation and examples about how to properly unit test things combining the three components in …

c# unit-testing moq autofixture
Autofixture customizations: provide constructor parameter

I have the following class: class Foo { public Foo(string str, int i, bool b, DateTime d, string str2) { ..... } } I'm …

c# autofixture
AutoFixture.AutoMoq supply a known value for one constructor parameter

I've just started to use AutoFixture.AutoMoq in my unit tests and I'm finding it very helpful for creating objects …

c# unit-testing autofixture automocking
Ploeh AutoFixture was unable to create an instance from System.Runtime.Serialization.ExtensionDataObject

We have an MVC project with references to WCF services. Those references added (ExtensionDataObject)ExtensionData property to every DTO and …

c# .net autofixture