Top "Autocorrect" questions

HTML - How can i disable auto text correction in my TEXTAREA?

My textarea contains C# code, so i get red underlines all over the place, is there any way to disable …

html textarea autocorrect
How to globally stop excel date autoformatting

I'm opening a csv file in excel and every time I open it, it changes some fields into dates when …

excel csv date autocorrect
How can I disable autocorrect in Edge?

I want to disable autocorrect in specific page of Edge Browser. How can I disable autocorrect in Edge? But I …

windows-10 microsoft-edge autocorrect
Excel is stripping leading 0's from CSV files

It believe that Excel is stripping leading 0s. I was told that updating the column format to text during the …

excel csv dataformat autocorrect
Solr Did you mean (Spell check component)

I use solr for my apps and i integrated the spellcheck component but i have some problems : First : When i …

solr autocorrect spell-checking
Online Auto-correct

Is there any good auto-correct JSON site you guys use? I've been using JSONLint. However, only validation is not enough …

javascript json autocorrect jsonlint
Turn off predictive text for password field on websites

I have an Android application that displays a page in a webview to handle a username/password login. I have …

android html keyboard autocorrect
How to disable predictive text in TextField of Flutter?

I want to disable predictive text which comes in the keyboard of a textfield. It is not so difficult in …

flutter dart keyboard textfield autocorrect
iPhone UIWebView - Can auto complete be turned off on a input text field?

I've searched high & low for an answer on this and I can't seem to find an answer or anybody …

iphone autocomplete input uiwebview autocorrect
How to toggle autocorrectionType on and off for an existing UITextView

I have a UITextView in my iPhone app for which I want to be able to toggle the autocorrectionType. When …

objective-c cocoa-touch uitextview autocorrect