Top "Audit-trail" questions

An audit trail (also called audit log) is a security-relevant chronological record, set of records, and/or destination and source of records that provide documentary evidence of the sequence of activities that have affected at any time a specific operation, procedure, or event.

Entity Framework 6: audit/track changes

I have my core project in C#. I work on a database, where some tables have the columns "user_mod" …

c# entity-framework entity-framework-6 audit audit-trail
Log User Activity on ASP.NET MVC Application

Is there A good strategy to Log the User activity on an ASP MVC App? (ActionFilters/ HTTPModules). Something like last … logging audit-trail audit-logging user-activity
How to create Triggers to add the change events into Audit Log tables

Suppose we have 50 tables in a database and we want to capture all the changes (Previous value and new value …

mysql triggers audit-logging audit-trail change-data-capture
How to log data change in postgresql?

This question may seem to be a possible duplicate of some other questions that are related to this topic. I've …

postgresql postgresql-8.4 audit-trail
Compare deleted and inserted table in SQL Server 2008

I am new to SQL Server 2008 and I need advice from all of you. I want to find out the …

sql sql-server sql-server-2008 audit-trail
Effective strategy for leaving an audit trail/change history for DB applications?

What are some strategies that people have had success with for maintaining a change history for data in a fairly …

database postgresql database-design crud audit-trail
How to create audit trail or logging tables with triggers in MySQL

I want a trigger that triggers whenever the loan table is updated (i.e. a book is returned). It should …

mysql sql tsql triggers audit-trail
Oracle - Audit Trail for a specific user

As stated on the topic , I am looking for a way for us to track on the activities of the …

oracle security oracle11g audit audit-trail
Log inserted/updated/deleted rows in all tables for a given database in SQL Server 2008

Whats the best way to track/Log inserted/updated/deleted rows in all tables for a given database in SQL …

database sql-server-2008 database-administration audit-trail
Audit Trail in web application using sql server

We are developing a web application using and sql server. We are required to do an Audit trail … sql-server audit-trail