Top "Audiocontext" questions

AudioContext is a modular interface for audio processing for the WebAudio API.

Google Chrome Javascript issue in getting user audio - The AudioContext was not allowed to start

I have this Javascript code which I am using to capture audio input from user when they click on a …

javascript google-chrome audiocontext
javascript readAsArrayBuffer returns empty Array Buffer

I am trying to read a local file using the FileReader readAsArrayBuffer property. The read is success and in the "…

javascript arraybuffer audiocontext
How to play wav audio byte array via javascript/html5?

I'm using the following method to play a byte array containing wav data. The function is being called from a …

javascript html gwt wav audiocontext
Change sample rate of AudioContext (getUserMedia)

Im trying to record a 48000Hz recording via getUserMedia. But without luck. The returned audio MediaStream returns 44100Hz. How can …

javascript getusermedia sample-rate audiocontext