Top "Assembly-signing" questions

An error occurred while signing

I maintain a large WPF application which I inherited from another developer. I use ClickOnce to publish it. Suddenly, today …

wpf visual-studio-2012 clickonce assembly-signing
How to declare a friend assembly?

I have 2 projects in my solution: Assembly (Basic Library) Test Assembly (NUnit) I had declared the test assembly as friends …

c# visual-studio-2008 assembly-signing
Strong name signature could not be verified

I am deploying ASP.Net MVC 3 application on Windows 2008 R2 server. I published the application from Visual Studio 2010 using File …

strongname hresult assembly-signing
How to programmatically verify an assembly is signed with a specific Certificate?

My scenario is we have one program (exe) that will start other programs if found in a particular folder. I …

c# .net digital-certificate assembly-signing
How I do a sign an assembly that has already been built into a dll specifically flute.dll

The reason I want to sign the dll is because I want to add it to the Global Assembly Cache. … visual-studio-2008 dll assembly-signing
Deleting a digital signing certificate (.PFX file)

I previously installed an incorrect .PFX file to sign assemblies. I now need to remove this in order to correct …

c# .net pfx assembly-signing
Third party DLL does not have 'strong name'?

My Visual Studio 2010 solution references a third party proprietary DLL. When I try to compile the solution the error message …

c# .net visual-studio-2010 assembly-signing
Using Codebase to load assembly

Based on this question, I tried using <codebase> to locate an external assembly. Now, when I run the …

c# console-application .net-assembly codebase assembly-signing
Only sign assemblies with strong name during release build

The scenario is: I'm building my solution with TeamCity, I'm not running the build account as an administrator; so I …

visual-studio-2010 build continuous-integration teamcity assembly-signing
Why does signtool in command-prompt return "Windows cannot find 'signtool'. Make sure you typed the name correctly..."

I do have that file. (In "...\Program Files\Microsoft SDKs..."). And I went to installed-programs (in Control Panel) and "reinstalled" …

sdk cmd assembly-signing signtool