AspectJ is an aspect-oriented extension to the Java programming language that enables clean modularization of crosscutting concerns such as logging, error handling, standards enforcement and feature variations.
I have a bunch of JUnit tests that all function individually. Each one is a true standalone unit test - …
java spring junit aspectj spring-testI'm trying add some monitoring when some specific exception occurs. For example, if I have an aspect like this: @Aspect …
java exception-handling aop aspectj aspectsI'm having some problems getting load-time weaving to work with Spring in my Tomcat 6 webapp. I only want to use …
spring transactions aop aspectj load-time-weavingi want to use aspectj aop in kotlin,here is my code: my annotation in annotation.lazy_list: Kotlin: package …
kotlin aop aspectjI am getting this error when I tried to use a JPA object created by Roo. Entity manager has not …
spring aspectj spring-rooI am trying to use AspectJ in sample project in IntelliJ IDEA. I have an experience with Spring AOP, but …
java intellij-idea aop aspectj aspectsI need to create an aspect with a pointcut matching a method if: Is public Its class is annotated with @…
java spring aop aspectj annotations