Top "Aspectj" questions

AspectJ is an aspect-oriented extension to the Java programming language that enables clean modularization of crosscutting concerns such as logging, error handling, standards enforcement and feature variations.

@EnableAspectJAutoProxy does not work

I am using Spring Boot, and I would like to use AspectJ with it. The following works (of course): @Aspect @…

java spring aspectj
Aspect weaving at runtime

I'm looking for a Java solution that would allow me to use AOP to weave new code on top of …

java runtime aop aspectj load-time-weaving
How Spring aspects work internally?

Say Service calls Dao class on which logging aspect(annotational) needs to be applied. I am wondering how aspects actually …

java spring aspectj spring-aop
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: error Type referred to is not an annotation type

I got the following advice :- @Before(value="@annotation(loggable)", argNames="joinPoint, loggable") public void before(JoinPoint joinPoint, Loggable loggable) { …

java spring aspectj pointcut
Autowired dependency not injected in Aspect in Spring MVC

I am not able to @Autowire the Service Layer Instance in Aspect. In Aspect the reference to the @Autowired bean …

spring-mvc aop aspectj spring-aop
Spring - AspectJ pointcut for constructor object with annotation

I'm developing a java (JDK1.6) application with Spring framework(4.0.5) and AspectJ for AOP Logging. My Aspect classes work fine but …

java spring aop aspectj spring-aop
How to enable compile-time aspectj weaving for Eclipse embedded Tomcat

I'm having a problem trying to make eclipse and aspectj work for Dynamic Web Projects. I'm looking for compile time …

eclipse tomcat aspectj web-applications compile-time-weaving
Understanding Spring AOP

I am working with Spring 3.0 framework and still a novice. Can anyone explain me in layman terms what is AOP …

java spring aop aspectj
AspectJ pointcut expression match parameter annotations at any position

I'm trying to define a pointcut expression to match methods which contain a parameter annotated with a specific annotation, regardless …

java spring aop aspectj pointcut
Access a business method's local variable in a method which is in an ASPECT

I want to access a local variable from a method in a business class, in a method which is in …

aspectj spring-aop