Apple ARKit is Augmented Reality SDK introduced in iOS 11.
I'm trying out ARKit, and I set up an ARSCNView using this tutorial. Then set up tracking horizontal 3D planes …
ios swift augmented-reality arkit iphone-6While running an ARKit session with world tracking enabled, the Xcode console shows log messages about (I presume: reduced) tracking …
ios core-motion ios11 xcode9-beta arkitI'm using ARKit and trying to get the position of the camera as a rotation and (x,y,z) coordinates …
swift3 arkitI've read all Apple guides about ARKit, and watched a WWDC video. But I can't understand how do coordinate systems …
ios swift 3d augmented-reality arkitI used an ios app to create a usdz file using arkit but now I want to convert the scan …
xcode arkit 3d-modelling usdz