Top "Arkit" questions

Apple ARKit is Augmented Reality SDK introduced in iOS 11.

What's the difference between using ARAnchor to insert a node and directly insert a node?

In ARKit, I have found 2 ways of inserting a node after the hitTest Insert an ARAnchor then create the node …

swift augmented-reality arkit
What is the easiest way to convert .obj or .stl to .usdz?

Apple AR Quick Look apparently only supports .usdz files. So, what is the easiest way to convert an .obj or .…

augmented-reality arkit usdz
Scanning Real-World Object and generating 3D Mesh from it

ARKit app allows us create an ARReferenceObject, and using it, we can reliably recognize a position and orientation of real-world …

swift augmented-reality scenekit arkit realitykit
How to create a .usdz animation?

You can now convert 3D models to .usdz files (uncompressed zip archive) using Apple's command line tool bundled with Xcode 10 …

animation augmented-reality arkit xcode10 usdz
ARKit hide objects behind walls

How can I use the horizontal and vertical planes tracked by ARKit to hide objects behind walls/ behind real objects? …

ios swift scenekit augmented-reality arkit
Mapping GPS coordinates in ARKit

I'm exploring the new ARKit. Currently all the examples I've seen use the "relative" position of the camera to place …

ios core-location arkit
Is it possible to run ARKit in simulator?

I tried to run sample ARKit in Xcode 9 iPhone 7 plus simulator. But it failed. Is there any possibilities to check …

ios ios-simulator arkit
How to convert OBJ with MTL file to USDZ format

So I have an OBJ 3D model with its associated MTL file. The MTL file contains all the textures. However, …

augmented-reality scenekit arkit maya usdz
How do I programmatically move an ARAnchor?

I'm trying out the new ARKit to replace another similar solution I have. It's pretty great! But I can't seem …

swift arkit
How to keep ARKit SCNNode in place

Hey I'm trying to figure out. How to keep a simple node in place. As I walk around it in …

ios swift arkit