Top "Arcpy" questions

ArcPy is a Python module for interacting with ArcGIS tools.

Calculating kurtosis from a numpy array?

I am trying to calculate 'kurtosis', as well as other statistics from a numpy array. Calculating Min, Max, Mean and …

arrays python-2.7 numpy arcpy
Find if a value exists in a column in Excel using python

I have an Excel file with one worksheet that has sediment collection data. I am running a long Python script. …

python excel arcpy
Only accept alphanumeric characters and underscores for a string in python

I'm currently writing validation code for a tool parameter in ArcMap 10 (updateMessages) and need to prevent users from using non-alphanumeric …

python arcpy parameters field validation
Calculate NDVI using Python

I know that the NDVI equation is NDVI = (NIR — VIS)/(NIR + VIS) I'm trying to calculate it using python. I've …

python arcpy
Using Update Cursor to populate 2 fields for Feature Class Name and OID

I am currently trying to populate 2 fields. They are both already created within a table that I want to populate …

python arcgis arcpy
arcpy get database path of feature class in feature dataset

I am trying to get the database path of a feature class that may or may not be in a …

python database path dataset arcpy
Resolving mixed slashes from sys.path and os.path.join

I need to resolve a disparity between the separator that sys.path is providing, and the separator that os.path.…

python portability arcpy sys