I'm currently writing validation code for a tool parameter in ArcMap 10 (updateMessages) and need to prevent users from using non-alphanumeric characters within a string as it will be used to name a newly created field in a feature class.
I have so far used 'str.isalnum()' however this of course excludes underscores. Is there an efficient way to only accept alphanumeric characters and underscores?
if self.params[3].altered:
#Check if field name already exists
if str(self.params[3].value) in [f.name for f in arcpy.ListFields(str(self.params[0].value))]:
self.params[3].setErrorMessage("A field with this name already exists in the data set.")
#Check for invalid characters
elif not str(self.params[3].value).isalnum():
self.params[3].setErrorMessage("There are invalid characters in the field name.")
Try regular expressions:
import re
if re.match(r'^[A-Za-z0-9_]+$', text):
# do stuff