Top "Arcpy" questions

ArcPy is a Python module for interacting with ArcGIS tools.

python dict to numpy structured array

I have a dictionary that I need to convert to a NumPy structured array. I'm using the arcpy function NumPyArraytoTable, …

python numpy arcpy
Unzip all zipped files in a folder to that same folder using Python 2.7.5

I would like to write a simple script to iterate through all the files in a folder and unzip those …

python python-2.7 unzip zipfile arcpy
Python extract data from xml and save it to excel

I would like to extract some data from an XML file and save it in a table format, such as …

python xml python-2.7 arcpy
Arcpy: Dictionary syntax error "can't assign to function call"

I'm trying to find the maximum value of "CrudeRate" and its associated "State_name" using the following code: import arcpy …

python arcpy
Using wildcard for "if .... in .." statement

I am trying to find files in directories where the file name used is sometimes only a part of the …

python string arcgis arcpy
Importing arcpy module into anaconda's Spyder

I would like to use arcpy into Anaconda's Spyder. I have a full ArcGIS license, so this is not an …

importerror arcpy spyder
Solar energy conversion w/m^2 to mj/m^2

i am new here, I am using MERRA monthly solar radiation data. I want to convert w/M^2 to MJ/…

physics arcgis arcpy unit-conversion
Where and how can I install ArcPy for Python 2.7?

I have checked,…

python-2.7 gis arcpy
How do I add a shapefile in ArcGIS via python scripting?

I am trying to automate various tasks in ArcGIS Desktop (using ArcMap generally) with Python, and I keep needing a …

python arcgis arcpy
RuntimeError: b'no arguments in initialization list'

I'm trying to solve my issue in my own but I couldn't, I'm trying to run this code in every …

python machine-learning arcpy geopandas pyproj