Top "Applescript" questions

AppleScript is an end user scripting language that has been available in Mac computers since System 7 Pro (7.1.1). It allows for automation of system tasks, communication between processes, and creation of workflows, amongst other functions.

Sending emails with attachments through AppleScript

So I wanted to be able to send an email with an attachment using applescript. I have this teacher who …

email applescript attachment automator
is there something akin to regEx in applescript, and if not, what's the alternative?

I need to parse the first 10 chars of a file name to see if they are all digits. The obvious …

regex applescript
Can you execute an Applescript script from a Swift Application

I have a simple AppleScript that sends an email. How can I call it from within a Swift application? (I …

swift applescript
Adding a script to MacOS finder contextual menu

I want to add an option to the finder context menu that calls hg add %1 with %1 being the full path …

macos bash applescript finder automator
How to make an executable program from AppleScript

In order to run my AppleScript program I have to open it up and select "run." I want the program …

osx-snow-leopard applescript executable
How to get name of frontmost app with AppleScript and use it to get the filepath

What I try to do: When I'm in one of my text editors (TextEdit, Byword, FoldingText) I want this AppleScript …

applescript posix
How do I embed an AppleScript in a Python script?

I am trying to embed an AppleScript in a Python script. I don't want to have to save the AppleScript …

python macos applescript
Applescript: on clicking Menu Bar item via gui script

I'm trying to make an applescript for an application called F.lux that clicks the menu item "Disable for an …

macos applescript
Multiple Criteria for If statement in AppleScript

I'm attempting to modify an applescript that fires a growl notification when there is a new message in Outlook. The …

"is not allowed for assistive access" error when running AppleScript from Java

I have a Jenkins config that executes Java tests for OS X app using Maven. And when I'm trying to …

java macos maven jenkins applescript