Top "Applescript" questions

AppleScript is an end user scripting language that has been available in Mac computers since System 7 Pro (7.1.1). It allows for automation of system tasks, communication between processes, and creation of workflows, amongst other functions.

How to make a script to show/hide hidden files in Mac OS X?

I just got my MBP with Retina and i'm really new to the Mac OS X (using PC before). I …

macos applescript show hidden finder
OSX Lion AppleScript : How to get current space # from mission control?

I'm trying to figure out how to get the current space # from mission control. Source would be helpful, but more …

macos applescript spaces mission-control
AppleScript Editor record doesn't work

I have opened the AppleScript Editor and pressed Record button. Then I run TextEdit, create a file and put some …

macos applescript
Set position of window with AppleScript

I'm trying to set the position of the chat window using AppleScript. tell application "System Events" set position …

macos cocoa applescript finder appleevents
Run AppleScript from Cocoa Application

Is it possible to run an AppleScript code inside an Cocoa Application? I've tried NSAppleScript class, but no success. Also, …

objective-c cocoa applescript
osascript using bash variable with a space

I am using osascript in Bash to display a message in Notification Center (Mac OS X) via Apple Script. I …

bash variables syntax applescript osascript
Applescript (osascript): opening split panes in iTerm 2 and performing commands

The following works to open two tabs in iTerm 2. I can't seem to figure out how to get this to …

terminal applescript iterm osascript
How can I copy text to the clipboard using AppleScript

I would like to create an application using AppleScript to copy the system info and email it to myself. I …

applescript clipboard
How to create an AppleScript- or Command-file to launch a Java application on Mac OS?

I created a Java application and need to prepare it to run on any OS. For Windows I created a …

java macos shell applescript noclassdeffounderror
AppleScript Application is not allowed to send keystrokes

I made an app with AppleScript called FRIDAY. When I tell it to 'open chrome', it opens google chrome, this …

applescript keystroke applescript-objc system-error systemevent