Top "Applescript" questions

AppleScript is an end user scripting language that has been available in Mac computers since System 7 Pro (7.1.1). It allows for automation of system tasks, communication between processes, and creation of workflows, amongst other functions.

Pass in variable from shell script to applescript

I've got a shell script that I call that uses osascript, and that osascript calls a shell script and passes …

bash shell applescript osascript
Getting Finder's current directory in AppleScript stored as application

I have tried to make an AppleScript that is supposed to read the current directory from Finder and run a …

applescript finder
Determine OS X keyboard layout ("input source") in the terminal/a script?

I would like to determine the OS X keyboard layout (or "input source" as OS X calls it) from the …

macos applescript
Quit All Applications using Applescript?

How would I quit all running user applications using Applescript?

macos applescript
AppleScript or Automator to click on menus in an application?

I'm not sure if this is do-able via AppleScript and/or Automator…but I'd like to be able to: a) …

macos applescript automator excel-2008
How to close all, or only some, tabs in Safari using AppleScript?

I have made a very simple AppleScript to close tabs in Safari. The problem is, it works, but not completely. …

scripting safari applescript scripting-bridge
Applescript fails with error (-600) when launched over ssh on Mavericks

I've tried searching for this, and have seen others with similar problems but don't seem to have found an answer …

macos ssh applescript osx-mavericks
Controlling Spotify with AppleScript

Essentially what I'd like to do is play an entire album via AppleScript. Right now, you can use their special …

applescript spotify
Play a sound when AppleScript is done

I have no idea how to use AppleScript, how I got my little bash script working in the first place …

Can AppleScript access browser tabs and execute javascript in them?

I'm curious if AppleScript can access each specific tab in a browser and execute some javascript in them. Anyone have …

javascript google-chrome safari applescript applescript-objc