Top "Antlr4" questions

Version 4 of ANother Tool for Language Recognition (ANTLR), a flexible lexer/parser generator.

Is "Implicit token definition in parser rule" something to worry about?

I'm creating my first grammar with ANTLR and ANTLRWorks 2. I have mostly finished the grammar itself (it recognizes the code …

antlr grammar antlrworks antlr4
How to automatically generate lexer+parser with ANTLR4 and Maven?

I'am new to ANTLR4, and it seems that there is no Eclipse-Plug-In for v4. So it would nice to build …

eclipse maven antlr4
Nested Boolean Expression Parser using ANTLR

I'm trying to parse a Nested Boolean Expression and get the individual conditions within the expression separately. For e.g., …

java parsing antlr antlr4 antlr3
What is minimal sample Gradle project for ANTLR4 (with antlr plugin)?

I have created new Gradle project, added apply plugin: 'antlr' and dependencies { antlr "org.antlr:antlr4:4.5.3" to build.gradle. Created …

java gradle antlr antlr4
Antlr Extraneous Input

I have a grammar file BoardFile.g4 that has (relevant parts only): grammar Board; //Tokens GADGET : 'squareBumper' | 'circleBumper' | 'triangleBumper' | 'leftFlipper' | …

java antlr antlr4
How do I get the original text that an antlr4 rule matched?

Using the Java 7 grammar I want to find methods with …

java antlr antlr4
Processing a String with ANTLR4

I'm trying to convert my grammar from v3 to v4 and having some trouble finding all the right pieces. In …

java string migration antlr4
Visitor/Listener code for a while loop in ANTLR 4

So far i have searched the whole "The Definitive ANTLR 4 Reference" book as well as many sites for an answer …

java antlr antlr4
Token recognition error: antlr

I have an ANTLR 4 grammar: grammar Test; start : NonZeroDigit '.' Digit Digit? EOF ; DOT : '.' ; PLUS : '+' ; …

antlr grammar antlr4 lexer antlrworks2
Intellij will not recognize antlr generated source code

I am having trouble getting Intellij to recognize the generated source code from antlr4. Any reference to the generated code …

intellij-idea antlr4